In easySite, an article is an editorial element (independent of site management technical aspects) which contains text on a given subject.
An article is composed of:
- Article header which defines its title, some classification elements (category, language...) as well as layout setting (layout, background image...)
- A list of one or more paragraphs containing the articles text.
To display an article in a page, the article must be ‘published’...
Publishing an article in a page, is to attach the article to one of the page’s tabs...
a page tab can contain one or more articles
- Note : easySite includes a MS Word Macro that allows you to export your articles written with MS Word to easySite database.
Manually creating an article is a 2 steps process:
- Create article’s header;
- Bind to this header one or more paragraphs in the desired display order.
Paragraphs text may contain any html formatting codes.