Read log Files in MS Access
The question
How to import or link LOG text files into MS Access databases?
OR: How to force MS Access to work with text files having different extensions?
The problem
In MS Access, If you try to import or link a text file not having one of the following extensions: txt, csv, asc or htm

Ms Access displays an error message:
You can only import files having txt,csv,asc,htm,html extension
The incident
To examine in a more accurate method the server’s LOG files, my project required to import and/or link text files having the LOG extension.
Something the MS Access refused to do... A solution had thus to be found.
There are several solutions:
  • The first, of course, is to rename the files to one of the accepted extensions!
  • Another more persistent solution:
    • Open the registry;
    • Go the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Jet\4.0\Engines\Text
    • Modify the entry (SZ) named DisabledExtensions (originally having the text value "!txt, csv, asc,htm,html
    • Add to this entry the desired extension.
    • Example, if you wish to add the extension log, give the entry the following value "!txt, csv,asc,htm,html,log"
Some more comfort!
  • When MS Access displays the Open File dialog box for selecting the text file, only files having the basic extensions are displayed.
  • To force displaying your desired extension:
  • Add the extension to another entry named Extensions in this same key.